Obviously, I struggled a little bit in FP2 adapting to the Michelins and the bike. Before the Practice session we did a little work on the riding by checking data and readjusting the electronics and, actually, it was not going half bad. I think the gap is not too bad for having spent just two hours on the bike, it's not horrible. Maybe we could have done a 1'20.9s, or something like that, if I hadn't gone down at the end and would have managed to put the whole lap together, which I think is respectable. On that last lap, I went into Turn 13 a bit hot, and with the slipstream I locked the front tyre and went down pretty early on braking. I didn't expect it. Unfortunately, my little pinky got caught under the handlebar for a split second there, and I lost a bit of skin, but I'll be alright. I think a points finish may be a bit much to ask this weekend. If I can battle with other riders and have a good fight in the Race and enjoy myself, in the end, that's the most important.